Discover the ultimate solution for fully instrumented and integrated RAS units
The ultimate solution for fully instrumented and integrated RAS units
Simon Nesse Økland
Kommunikasjonssjef, Bremnes Seashore
"OptiRAS vil gje store gevinstar for fiskevelferd, biosikkerheit, klima og miljø"
Our complete aluminum system offers a ready-to-use, modular design that significantly cuts down on start-up time and capital costs.
By streamlining construction processes, we ensure a 30-40% faster setup than traditional on-site assembly, thereby accelerating the timeline to production commencement. This efficiency not only catalyzes a swifter return on investment but also provides the flexibility for effortless expansion and reuse, all while maintaining rigorous quality standards.
Asle Lygre
CEO, Optiras AS
OptiRAS dokumenterer nå at oppdrett på land i resirkuleringsanlegg er mulig med god fiskevelferd, svært liten dødelighet, kontrollerbare utslipp og til en svært konkurransedyktig kostnad (capex og opex).